Home, a place where Turkish women got killed
In January, twenty-seven women killed by men in Turkey, according to the report from We Will End Femicide Platform. Eighteen of them -more than 60 percent, were at their homes when the homicide happened.
Turkey, where the conservatives claim that the Istanbul Convention threatens the ‘traditional family’ and try to get rid of it, is still a problematic country for women, like many other places around the world. In 2019, 474 women were killed by men, and it was the highest number for the last ten years.
According to the numbers from We Will End Femicide Platform, during the first month of 2020, seven of 27 women killed by the man who they were in a relationship. Five of the murderers were the husband of the victim, three of them were fathers, and two of them were ex-husbands. Their sons killed another five women, a relative and an ex-lover were also among the killers.
The site of murders were mostly the homes of the women, where one should feel safe. Six of the women were killed on the streets, one of them in a remote place, and another one of them in a car. The authorities couldn’t locate the homicide site for one woman.
Tens of legal cases about femicides, abuse, and harassment continue in Turkey, and the Woman’s Assemblies are going to have a meeting in Istanbul on February 9th in order to share experience and discuss future